Risen Velkhana is an Elder Dragon and a Risen variant of Velkhana.
Risen Velkhana's appearance is noticeably different from a standard Velkhana, with most of its body darkened with certain parts (their heads, wings, and torsos) retaining their icy violet colouring. Its body is covered in wounds resembling burns, which have a bright orange glow upon entering its Risen state.
This version of Velkhana has overcome being afflicted by the Qurio and has become more powerful as a result. In addition to its heightened physical abilities and speed, it gains more ice based attacks including being able to store a pockets of super-chilled air on its tail that create blasts of ice whenever it's utilised, creating frost that binds those effects to the ground to strike, and employing more complex attack combinations that leave little room for error. When it enters its Risen state, its ice notably takes on a golden tint as it becomes even more powerful, comparable to its Arch-tempered form in the New World.
Ecological Information[]
- Order: Elder Dragon
- Suborder: Ice Dragon
- Family: Velkhana
- Species: Velkhana
A legendary Elder Dragon that commands the cold, Risen Velkhana is a graceful monster with unprecedented powers.
Risen Velkhana occupy the same environments as their regular counterparts, and their status appears to have no change on their nomadic nature.
Ecological Niche[]
Risen Velkhana being Elder Dragons hold the apex status over any food-chain they enter. Thanks to their enhanced strengths, even other Elder Dragons have issues fighting them over territory.
Biological Adaptations[]
Compared to the standard Velkhana, the Risen Velkhana's wield over ice is vast even in a calm state.
Like many Elder Dragons and its standard counterparts, Risen Velkhana are highly territorial and will viciously attack any intruders. They are also known to freeze smaller creatures and leave their frozen corpses around its domain as a warning to would-be trespassers.
- Common: Footprints, Frost Patch
- Unique: Frozen Body
Risen Velkhana creates footprints wherever it walks and creates carcasses from prey it kills and eats.
It can also create Frozen Bodies whenever its Ice Breath kills a small monster, particularly Wingdrakes and flying monsters.
Specific Locale Interactions[]
Aside from its behaviour regarding small flying monsters Risen Velkhana don't have any special interactions with its environment.
Special Behavior[]
When encountering small flying monsters such as Wingdrakes or Remobra, it will fire a beam of Ice Breath at them which will kill the monsters by freezing them solid.
Interactions with Other Monsters[]
Risen Velkhana will attack other monsters with more aggression than a standard Velkhana, often leaving them with multiple wounds from its tail at the minimum.
Turf Wars[]
Risen Velkhana maintain the exact same Turf Wars as their normal counterparts, with the exception of Primordial Malzeno.
Primordial Malzeno (Pre-Bloodrage)[]
The two dragons activate their empowered states; a golden icy wind flows around Risen Velkhana to form a Blizzard Tail while the Qurio quickly swarm and attach themselves to Primordial Malzeno. The two immediately strike at each other, connecting tails forces Primordial backwards, then coming back in for an exchange of breath attacks, this one forcing Risen back from a line blast of Qurio. The two then fly around in a circle, with both Qurio and golden ice clashing together as the two try to break their opponents guard. Eventually they resort to latching onto each other, and with their strength equal, the Qurio lock down the Risen Velkhana's wings, while the golden frost does the same to Primordial Malzeno. With their powers encasing them, they crash down to the earth with a massive explosion of Ice and Dragon, a blast that will also damage hunters and inflict their respective blights. Both dragons take damage and lose their respective power up, with the dragon surge shorting up the Risen Velkhana's Blizzard Tail and the golden frost freezing and shattering the Qurio on Primordial Malzeno, and both bellow at each other as the skirmish ends.
As Risen Velkhana is only encounterable in quests of its own and Qurio Investigations, Primordial Malzeno will become Wyvern Rideable to do extra damage after the Turf War is completed.
Primordial Malzeno (Bloodrage)[]
When Primordial Malzeno is in its Bloodrage state, the Turf War will instead play out in exactly the same way as the standard Velkhana, with Risen Velkhana being defeated.
Rage and Tired States[]
- Rage: Wounds glow silver and huffs steam from mouth.
Risen Velkhana have no Tired state.
Interactions With Unique Statuses[]
Risen Velkhana are individual Velkhana that have overcome the Affliction.
- They are immune to both the Frenzy Virus and the Hyper Status.
- Risen Velkhana are listed as Lvl9 Threat Afflicted Monsters, placing them alongside the Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax and Risen Shagaru Magala.
Special Interaction[]
- Risen Velkhana can be mounted on the head and back.
- Risen Velkhana can have its head, wings, and tail softened by the Clutch Claw and it can be Flinch Shot into walls or over ledges, resulting in a knockdown.
- ✖ means very little or no effectiveness, very minor amounts of damage is done.
- ★ is fairly effective, minor damage is done, ★★ is effective, moderate damage is done ★★★ is highly effective, high damage is done and is considered a weakspot.
- (★) means that effectiveness changes due to a condition.
Breakable Parts[]
- Head: Parts of its head will be scarred and parts of the spines will break.
- Wings: Wounds are formed over the wings.
- Tail: The tip of the tail is severed.
Battle Themes[]
1st Theme[]
The standard Velkhana theme will play unless it is in an arena area where it would be overridden by that track.
2nd Theme[]
Once the Risen Velkhana enters the Risen State for the first time, the second theme, the Arch Tempered Velkhana theme, will play. As with Violet Mizutsune, this theme change is hardcoded to override all locale BGM, even that of the Kamura Arena.
MHWI THE END OF ICEBORNE-歴戦王 イヴェルカーナ 戦闘曲 BGM Extended
Iceborne's End - Risen (Arch Tempered) Velkhana
Completion Theme[]
When Risen Velkhana is slain, the Iceborne Elder Dragon victory theme will play.
Normal State[]
- Complex From The Start: Even in its calm state, the Risen Velkhana is able to perform attacks that the standard Velkhana could only use when its frost powers are at maximum. Those being able to create three rings of ice, the snowflake ice wall and the wide sweeping ice breath.
- Less Taunting: After doing certain attacks, the taunt it does is a very short one in contrast to the standard Velkhana.
- Arcing Rapier: Advancing in, it spins and thrusts its tail upwards in an arc to the left or right, upswinging hunters struck.
- Twist-leap Ice Breath: Risen Velkhana will make a wide leap around a hunter in a twisting momentum while firing ice breath below it in its duration. When it is enraged the move is often comboed into another ice breath attack.
- Double Aerial Trust: In the air, Risen Velkhana will swing backwards after a aerial stab and then stab again with further range covered.
Enraged State[]
- Double Ground-to-Air Thrust: When enraged, the double stab attack is now also done when it is initiated from the ground.
- Double Glancing Stab: Risen Velkhana will perform a standard glancing stab, but then instead of jumping backwards it spin-jumps to the side and does a second stab.
- Double Arcing Rapier: After doing one arcing slash, the Risen Velkhana will slide and attack again at the opposite angle.
- Triple Icicle Rain: The amount of icicles that Risen Velkhana creates is increased, and three will fall on a hunter in its duration.
- Iceborne Tail: The Risen's signature ability in which it quickly coils and breathes a golden icy wind along its tail and straightens it into the air, forming a longer blade that swirls with icy wind. This effect must be broken if the tail's icy coating is to also break, and it cannot be used if there is no ice on its tail. While it is active several enhancements are given to its regular attacks.
- Icy Slashes: When the Iceborne Tail is used to slash, a wave of icy wind is casted out in the shape of the attack, extending the range of them significantly.
- Freezing Trusts: When doing thrusting attacks with the Iceborne Tail, a line of ice bursts out to extend their range.
- Frosty Stabs: When ever the Iceborne Tail is used to stab the hunter which would lead to it piercing the ground, a small patch of ice is created where it strikes that Frostbinds hunters trying to block it.
Risen State[]
- Icy Entrance: Akin to Risen Shagaru Magala's entering the Risen state, the burst isn't the only danger to the state activating. Immediately upon entering the Risen state large icicles will be created that either drop from above like the rain or burst from the ground like in standard Velkhana's ultimate.
- Risen Speed: In the Risen State, Risen Velkhana's attack speed is boosted to match that of Velkhana's in Iceborne.
- Risen Iceborne: When it enters the Risen state, the Iceborne Tail is immediately activated.
- Giant Advancing Ice: Akin to Arch-tempered Velkhana, Risen Velkhana's advancing ice is greatly increased in size and speed.
- Heavy Icicle Rain: Risen Velkhana conjures larger icicles resembling those that spawn from the ground in the standard Velkhana's ultimate attack and now drops four on a target instead of three.
- Expanded Frostbind: The area covered by Risen Velkhana's Frostbind spray is now expanded outwards to double the size.
- Twist-leap Ice Breath Combo: Risen Velkhana will now repeat its Twist-leap Ice Breath attack in the opposite angle, then follow it up with an ice breath attack; advancing ice for close range and uppercutting ice breath for long range.
- Rising Arcing Rapier: After doing the Double Arcing Rapier, it will jump upwards and perform a straightforward arcing slash that strikes in a full vertical circle around Risen Velkhana. After this it does the stance taunt.
- Blizzard Pierce: Risen Velkhana's ultimate attack. Whilst in the Risen state for time that would cause a standard Velkhana to use the circular ice breath and ice wall attack that dispels all ice armor, this attack will activate instead. It will first take a bipedal stance and raise its tail as a sharp icy wind sound is heard. It then spins around and suddenly ascends upwards with a single flap while roaring, and then thrust its wings and head down towards the position it took off from, creating a large circular patch of Frostbind and covering the ground around it in freezing mist. It then unleashes a continuous thick stream of icy wind from its mouth and wings, creating a blizzard effect on the surrounding area, then descends on the hunters. While still breathing the ice stream, it starts stabbing at the hunters closest to it with extremely fast and rapid pace. As it does, more Frostbinding ice forms on repeatedly struck positions and large ice crystals rise and explode within the mist wherever the stream makes contact. A golden icicle breeze enshrouds the Risen Velkhana as it circles the first Frostbound circle, and spreads out the last of the stream to link all the created patches of Frostbound ground together via lines of icicles that immediately burst into more Frostbind. Risen Velkhana makes another roar and soars right above the Frostbound circle, straightening out its body with the golden breeze now purely focused around its tail. It then dives down and impales the patch dead centre, instantly creating a massive golden shaded eruption of ice from the circle with a BGM muffling piercing screech, and skyward bursts of also golden frost throughout all the patches and lines linking it. Risen Velkhana then lands down and spreads out its whole body and bellows in a unique taunt that places all parts of its ice armor in physical striking range. This attack will disable Wirebug recovery and potentially one-shot with the main pierce, while the erupting lines and patches will cause upswings.
Low-Health Risen State[]
- Frostbind Rising: When caught in Frostbind when Risen Velkhana is at low-health, it will quickly jump backwards and then rush forwards into the Rising Arching Rapier vertical slash.
Normal Hazard[]
- Even Less Taunts: After doing a triple tail stab, or the stab and air stab combo, Hazard Risen Velkhana will not taunt after doing them.
- Immediate Risen Speed: In Hazard quests, the speed boost is granted right from the start.
- Calm Iceborne Tail: Even in its calm state, the Risen Velkhana can give itself the Iceborne Tail enhancement and its attributes.
- Calm Double Arcing Rapier: The Hazard Risen Velkhana can perform the Double Arcing Rapier attack in its calm state.
- Readied Arcing Rapier: A trick the Hazard knows is to discretely ready its tail in a curve upwards while doing a taunt or ice breath attack. If attacked on its tail during this stance, the Risen Velkhana will suddenly cancel the attack/taunt and rush towards the attacker or glide if at range and retaliate with a Rising Arcing Rapier.
Enraged Hazard[]
- Re-iced Tail: A major upgrade to the Hazard Risen Velkhana's abilities is that it can reapply the icy coating to its tail without having to go through the ice cycle, using the same method as the Iceborne Tail. This ensures hunter's are unable to take away its signature ability by breaking the ice armour.
- Immediate Iceborne Tail: If the icy armour is present on its tail, the Hazard will immediately activate the Iceborne Tail upon enraging.
- Early Rising Arcing Rapier: Aside from the counterattack, the Rising Arcing Rapier attack can also be performed outside of the Risen State when enraged in Hazard quests.
Risen Hazard[]
- Glacial Entrance: Now when entering the Risen state, a circle of ice forms around it while building energy that will Frostbind hunter's next to it. Once entered, the ice circle is spread by the burst into a snowflake pattern. Both will need quick acting to escape from if to avoid the Risen burst and icicles.
- Double Rising Arcing Rapier: In another addition to the rapier combo, after the rising slash, the Risen Velkhana will suddenly glide back in and perform a second arcing rapier with wider range.
Low-Health Risen Hazard[]
- Arcing Rapier Finale: The final addition to the Arching Rapier seals the deadliness of the combo. After the second Rising Rapier is launched, the injured Hazard Risen Velkhana will do one of two attacks to finish the combo. If no hunters are hit, it will, in a mere second, create a field of Frostbound ice in front of it, land, and raise it in a wall of icicles and then do the prance taunt. If a hunter is uppercut or one is in the air, it will spin in place and fire a long and powerful stream of ice from its tail very similarly to the Magnamalo's Hellfire Burst. Both finales will deal massive damage, and require split second reactions if one is to avoid them.
In-Game Description[]
Notes & Credits[]
- Velkhana only gained a Hazard event quest in Sunbreak, presumably due to how late it was added.