General Information[]
Land of Yoz, Sai & Gin[]
The Continent Loz is a hidden continent that has yet to be discovered from the current Monster Hunter Guild (from old and new world).
Far in the deep of a malicous Ocean, hidden behind a "natural" storm barrier, hides the Land called Yoz. A place where the dragon war dragged on after it was officially announced as over. Many hunter, wyverians and dragons of various kinds came over here to "end" the battles for good only to dredge out te conflict longer and crueler then ever. Due to this the conflicts between the natural ecosystem and the humans and the wyverian plummeted into an historic age of bloodshed like never seen before in any document. The conflict become so harsh, that after the ressources of all praticipants got exhausted, they agreed to never battle each other again (this agreement only apllied to the conflict between humans and wyverians, monstersand elder dragons were still hunted by both tribes) and called for a truce. While both tribes agreed not to battle each other the devastation left behind on both ends created vile monsters, not creatures or dragons, but humans and also wyverians. These characters became so bitter and hateful that they vanished into the shadows of the corners of Yoz since they could not agree with the idea of a truce. Many people saw that the wounds in the hearts created in certain individuals has ripped them mentaly so far apart that they seemed to have lost any kind of reasoning and simply went insane due to the loss of their loved ones. These individuals would try to eliminate each other at random occasions and also flare up new conflicts to enrage the living ecosystem of Yoz and the inhabitants that dwelled in it. Some smaller conflicts escalated but thanks to the help of the guild that was created, and some help of the wise and sovereignity of the true elder wyverians these conflicts have been dealt as good as possible and helped prevent further damage to life on Yoz.
In conclusion many people realized they should have not just cut off or detain these people but execute them. Many older and more experienced hunters and some wyverians were sent out to find and bring back these devils but sadly the trickery and manipulation skills have grown so far that it has become too difficult now to catch them alive, leaving the guild with no other option but to kill on sight. The decree has been announced ages ago under the name of "Vertict of Light", when a group of hand selected hunters where sent out to accoplish this msision of find and destroy any remains of the individuals.
Now offsprings and other abominations have joined the ranks of those monsters, creating a group large enough that they even gained a name of their own, "Wynn". The name originates from an ancient wyverian word and could be translated to the meaning ot "the true first dragons" and "the rightous who seek" and it's a delicate word play from the ancient translation of an old dialect. As the Guild had their hands full with dealing with monsters that threatened the life of many people, Wynn has made it their goal to sabotage and assasinate hunters and recreate and activate the ancient war machineries left behind from the dragon war. Many hunters have gathered together to stop the schemes of Wynn and managed to hold them off for a good amount of time but the fights were getting harder and more complicated. As Wynn had many faces and mastered its underhanded tactics it went to each and any length to disrupt the Guild in any way possible. The most recent was the foundation of a far off country they proclaimed their own. Grown so strong that the guild can no longer refuse or ignore their existence any longer and hide it's prescense from the public many nations have formed together an alliance and created an economical and military barrier to close the country of Wynn of from the rest of the world. With nothing left for Wynn but to accept the united front of man tribes of Yoz, they started to explore the oceans in order to find their own place to rule and exploit the lands and expand their way of living. This resulted with an unexpected breakthrough with Wynn being the first to break through the "natural" barrier and exploring the oceans. Many ships went missing, sank or got destroyed by new unkonwn giant monsters that have been lurking in the ocean, some ships managed to return but under heavy losses.
The head of this whole endeavour and creator of this wicked plan was a wyverian called Sai, the younger brother of the now great Elder Wyverian Gin. They both grew up within the midst of the bloodshed from conflicts that have been dragged to Yoz. While Sai broke mentally, after seeing his whole family getting slaughtered by a goaded elder dragon from the humans, and falling into the abyss of despair Gin grabbed the blade of his ancestors and faught for those that could be saved. Gin also deeply wounded by this vile act of humans learned that even though the human race is a colorful and bountious one that has braught a lot of technological creations and inventions that helped end the conflict, he knew what they are capable of and to what demons they can turn into. With this in mind Gin learned to keep his distance from humans and only trust a few selected, hence the reason many humans see him as a cold and distant Wyverian. Every once in a while Gin gets confronted from Humans, mostly by ones which just surpassed the rite of growth (becoming an adult) and those who have never been to war or seeing the real world outside their own save and warm copmfortable homes with all those fancy human inventions making their life all so pleasant. He would then always proceed to the phrase "A dragon on a mountain doesn't bend down to the demands of ants who screach at the bootom", this so performed arrogance and high and mighty attitude has created him many problems and many other wyverians have told him to perhaps not be so harsh to these humans but his answer to that was always "I'll outlive these Insects, why should I care about what they say? Soon they will be gone, I have outlasted many of them and will outlast even more". He would also point out how exactly these humans were the ones who would later try to invoke issues and unnessasary problems to the guild and sooner or later would meet their own dreadful fated end, mostly between the maws of dragons and beast after trying to prove themself to be better than Gin and the other Wyverians. Due to that Gin would start calling humans "Lizard Foodlings" as to insult them and show them that they would not even survive a true battle against elder dragons such as he had to face himself. But despite all that hate and grudge against humans and their foolishness he was a loyal advocate to the greater goal and create a place where the sky belongs to everyone, which would also mean having to share it with humans. Gin was bitter and faught voraciously for what he believed but he wasn't stupid, he knew when to observe and when to strike. Sai on the other hand, was on a whole next level of bitter. Sai was the first few years not able to speak due to the shock of his parents and loved ones, after seing them being ripped apart right in front of his face. Sai started to clsoe himself off from the wold and cried in agony very long, being rended completly useless to the guild. Sai was known for his combat abilities and expertize with the dual blades like no other being before him. Sadly that skill was lost due to the traumatic effect. Gin even created the dual blades himself that Sai was using, representing the blades as Sai and himself, giving him a memento to always remeber that he wasn't alone no matter what happened or what would come.
Sadly Sai drifted into drakness and his mind became blurry and his insanity grew to greater extent, so much that the guild had so send him to human medical institues for treatment as they had reached a point where they couldn't help them. the humans promised to take care of him and help him as good as possible with the newest medical technics and instruments available. Little did they know that the wyverians handed Sai over to humans that would turn him into the monster he was then later known for. After Sai left his home, Gin had do dedicate himself to the guild and help with repairs and reconstructions and lost sight of Sai. he would continue to write Sai letters but seeing his time got drained from word these became more rare and lastly stopped. In the meantime Sai was sent to a hidden lab where he was put under drugs and mental torture by humans over a long time, one of the humans indoctrinated Sai to believe the reason why he had to suffer and watch his clan and parents killed was because of the Wyverians and their high and mighty attitude. Sai slowly began to believe thsoe lies and turned into a warped person, blaming the wyverians for everything that happened. The change of character was so drastic and effective that he even used his new hate as fuel to stand up again and walk, he learned how to talk and write again and pick up his dual blades again and began to train. As Sai trained tho he got more and more irritaed by the blades he got from Gin, specially the one that gin was to present. To free himself from that annoyance he shattered the blade and used to fragments instead to create a smaller buckler and trained the ways of the Sword and shield, becoming a new menace to monsters ... and humans... and wyverians. With his new combat power learned and mastered in a very short amount of time he escaped the fangs of teh humans and fled deep into the woods where he would start his first crimes by hunting down rookie hunters or luring extreme powerful mosnters into rural villages without trying to leave any traces behind. The guild here started to investigated these odd occurances and slowly started to connect the dots, that someone and nto a natural occurance was behind this all. In the meantime Sai started to attract other abominations, humans as also wyverians who saw the guild as poison the natural ecosystem that should be ruled by only humans. Sai even went to such extremes where he would incite smaller conflicts between wyverians and humans in the hopes that the short tempted humans and arrogant wyverians would spark a new war and shed new blood reducing the number and military of the guild. During these smaller crimes his insanity would develope even further where he reached the point where the land of Yoz needs to be cleansed from all, humans as also wyverians as they are poison to the land. Going to new extremes he parted with some mebers only to replace them with even more extreme criminals and thus creating the infamous murderous group "Wynn".
While Sai stayed in the background and avoided to show himself to the public, Gin slowly started to hunt down members of Wynn himself. With his first law enforced as the newly announced Great elder Wyverian, in which he would be known as the youngest to wyverians history, he created the "Verdict of Light". With a selceted few hunters he went out for the most dangerous hunt, not against dragons and beast but against other humans and even bretheren. This hunt would last over 100 years, and while the wyverians in this hunting group stayed many humans got extinguished. While Gin started to get closer to the truth of who was leading the Wynn he slaughter more and more humans and wyverians rateh than monsters to a point where he handed off this responsability to a new founded group with their sole role and responsability to hunt down Wynn, called the "Black Wasps" symbolizing the deadly vespoid and the paralysing sting, the black wasp originates from a legend of an infamous wasp being sighted many ages ago in a dee pand dark forest. The Black Wasp had such an deadly posin that it was even able to slay dragons and was observed sucking out the blood of the corpse of an elder dragon thus creating the myth of it. Gin used the Black Wasp as a reverence to mock Wynn and their delusinal self representaion being "true dragons", it would be the perfect "counter" for a dragon.
Since then Gin focused on the guild more and left the hunting of wynn to his entrusted group. With the help from the merchants that started to explore Yoz more and more, now that many members of wynn died, more and more technology and ancients artefacts have been salvaged from ruins and mines and newly discovered places. With these iscoveries the existence of palicos have been braught to light. The palicos of Yoz are a rather more niffty tribe that have explored these lands since before the wyverians or humans have landed here and are well versed with the landscapes and treasure of these mountains. The only reason the palicos were kept so secure and secret was due to the fact theat they were too weak to explore in fast amounts and large numbers and only could send out nyanter every few years. While some exploration trips were full of treasures and valuebale loots many ended with a whole cat gang beign whiped out. this made the palicos very warry and more cautious of how deadly the world was. In order to not get eradicated by monsters they chose to focus their settlement into a place well hidden in the valley of two large mountains. Here the palicos of Yoz would flourish and proliferate, to a point where they would slowly advance their boundries and look beyond the horizon looking for a new eden. With the discovery of the palico tribe and humans as also wyverians becoming aware of the existance of these helpful fellows they have been promised security and ressources from the guild for a helping paw during hunts and transportation. New palicos then started to venture out into the world of humans and wyverians creating an interesting bond between the conflicted tribes, slowly becoming the missing link and glue that would then help repair the relationship between humans and wyverian and making them trusty and valuebale companions. The palicos would grown to a bunch where they would even get their own representives within the guild and help guide other tribes with their own knowledge of the land of Yoz. With the dwinddling numbers of Wynn and the support of the "Paws" (the united self announced tribe name of the palicos) a new age of hunting and exploring was set. Yoz seemed to regain it's older beauty and strength due to this peace creating stronger dragons and beast in natural way.
But this peace would not last for long, since Sai had other plans. After a member of wynn got hunted down into an unknown ice cave and died by the blade of a Black Wasp member, the guild discovered an intersting monster that was captured in the ice, and with it a new potent destrutive weapon from the ancients that would threated to annialate the land of Yoz. The Sanguine Moon Disease...
(Spoiler: The endscene of paradise ends with the Player and some guild members arriving at the scene (after Sai summoned the end boss the player hunts the end boss and Gin fights Sai so the player can focus on the monster). After defeating the boss and seing the sun going down and at the top of a plateau you see Gin standing silently looking into the distance with Sai's dead body on the floor.)