Monster Hunter Alpha Dos is a Fangame created by T1GREXHUNTER, Masterlogan46, and Jackson White. It contains 71 new huntable monsters and subspecies. It's Flagship is the Ebony Kushala Daora. It is planned to merge with Monster Hunter Wyvern's Perch. It already has a few of the monsters such as Lajeira and Glacimre. The game takes place in a new section of the Monster Hunter world; The Eko Region, which has many monsters never seen before in the west. Some added features are:
-Egg Theft Taming System
-Special Hunting Arts
-Character Classes
DLC List[]
Monster Hunter Alpha Dos: Crumbling Crag Cost: x25 Ancient Permits (Obtained from slaying Elder Dragons.)
Monster Hunter Alpha Dos: Forgotten Perch Cost: x25 Wyvern Tickets (Obtained from hunting crossover monsters.)
Monster Hunter Alpha Dos: Windtorn Frost Cost: x25 Brute Tickets (Obtained from hunting Brute Wyverns with over 2000 total stats.)
Monster Hunter Alpha Dos: Verdant Plaza Cost: x25 Amatsu Tickets (Obtained from hunting Brute Wyverns with over 2000 total stats.)
This game includes 31 new subspecies, and currently 40 new monsters. Over time, more will start to show up in a new land of Monster Hunter. Another note. All monsters not newly introduced get a slight color alteration and are known as Alpha Series (Not the BioShock kind.) BOLD = Large Italic = Small Bold Italic= Special Status
Amphibians: Tetsucabra, Berserk Tetsucabra, Zamtrios, Tigerstripe Zamtrios, Krokolius
Bird Wyverns: Velociprey, Genprey, Ioprey, Giaprey, Jaggi, Jaggia, Baggi, Wroggi, Maccau, Jakki, Bockiiprey, Devvi, Lokci, Cuyuprey, Velocidrome, Gendrome, Iodrome, Giadrome, Great Jaggi, Great Baggi, Great Wroggi, Great Maccau, Great Jakki, Reversed Great Jakki, Great Lokci, Tropic Great Lokci, Cuyudrome, White Cuyudrome, Furkkuffu
Brute Wyverns: Barroth, Jade Barroth, Deviljho, Savage Deviljho, Black Deviljho, Brachydios, Critical Brachydios, Apex Brachydios, Dinovaldo, Volt Dinovaldo, Pyraklorisk, Diamond Pyraklorisk, Joshibatu, Pale Joshibatu, Machlingbatu, Isumius, Ceamino, Great Devvi, Acrid Great Devvi
Carapaceons: Hermitaur, Ceanataur, Daimyo Hermitaur, Plum Daimyo Hermitaur, Shogun Ceanataur, Terra Shogun Ceanataur, Akura Vashimu, Akura Jebia
Fanged Beasts: Arzuros, Green Arzuros, Nono Orugaron, Kamu Orugaron, Rajang, Scorned Rajang, Kecha Wacha, Ash Kecha Wacha, Macraptor, Silver Macraptor, Gamuto, Sandstorm Gamuto
Fanged Wyverns: Zinogre, Stygian Zinogre, Glacimre, Trinacouga, Buzealo
Flying Wyverns: Giggi, Barioth, Sand Barioth, Diablos, Black Diablos, Monoblos, White Monoblos, Tigrex, Brute Tigrex, Molten Tigrex, Diorekkusu, Espinas, Orange Espinas, White Espinas, Yellow Espinas, Gigginox, Baleful Gigginox, Stone Gigginox, Mi Ru, Nargacuga, Green Nargacuga, Lucent Nargacuga, Maple Nargacuga, Rathian, Pink Rathian, Gold Rathian, Kuroikari, Rathalos, Azure Rathalos, Silver Rathalos, Zerureusu, Raizekusu, Cavedweller Raizekusu, Rotiona, Rogaia, Spinozyca, Red Spinozyca, Blackfish Spinozyca, Blakurai Vasmansu, Solar Rotiona, Lunar Rogaia, Regal Rotiona, Regal Rogaia, Berukyurosu, Doragyurosu, Mint Berykyurosu, Garabazizu, Draquilo, Agnalva
Herbivores: Aptonoth, Kelbi, Apceros, Popo, Epioth, Rhenoplos, Amargus
Leviathans: Ludroth, Uroktor, Royal Ludroth, Purple Ludroth, Torrential Ludroth, Agnaktor, Glacial Agnaktor, Acidic Agnaktor, Lagiacrus, Ivory Lagiacrus, Abyssal Lagiacrus, Red Lagiacrus, Tamamitsune, Lily Tamamitsune, Levinansuchi, Baruragaru, Cadboros,
Lynians: Felyne, Melynx
Neopterans: Altaroth, Vespoid, Konchu, Seltas, Seltas Queen, Desert Seltas, Desert Seltas Queen, Segiosu
Piscine Wyverns: Plesioth, Green Plesioth, Sludge Plesioth, Lavasioth, Infernal Lavasioth, Aruganosu, Goruganosu, Cryaganosu
Snake Wyverns: Remobra, Bockiidrome, King Remobra, Najarala, Tidal Najarala, Hiiciogysu, Basilisk
Lesser Dragons: Estrellian, Purple Estrellian, Goa Magara, Crystal Goa Magara
Elder Dragons: Alatreon, Black Alatreon, Ceadeus, Goldbeard Ceadeus, Chameleos, Green Chameleos, Dalamadur, Shah Dalamadur, Pylamalur, Jhen Mohran, Hallowed Jhen Mohran, Disufiroa, Coalback Disufiroa, Dire Miralis, Supernova Dire Miralis, Fatalis, Crimson Fatalis, White Fatalis, Kushala Daora, Rusted Kushala Daora, Ebony Kushala Daora, Avira Daora, Garuba Daora, Archea Daora , Gogmazios, Molten Gogmazios, Harudomerugu, Golden Harudomerugu, Inagami, Blaze Black Inagami, Kirin, Oroshi Kirin, Lao-Shan Lung, Ashen Lao-Shan Lung, Lunastra, Blizzard Lunastra, Teostra, Blizzard Teostra, Rukodiora, Rebidiora, Shagaru Magara, Coal Shagaru Magara, Shantien, Jade Shantien, Acuachisu, Dochamisu , Pale Spotted Dochamisu, Rodragna-Shan Lung, Plum Rodragna-Shan Lung, Andrakas, Enfuriated Andrakas, Spratia, Diabolus Amadyura, Shah Diabolus Amadyura, Raviente, Violent Raviente, Berserk Raviente, Lajeira, Lapis Lajeira, Shing Lao, Kami-Xycamagatsuchi, Windeater, Vermeledora
Greater Dragons: Duremudira, Hjulminarch, Skeletal Hjulminarch, Thurosi'drake, Skiagma
Special Variants: Crimson Helmet Arzuros, Spearbreaker Daimyo Hermitaur, Incinerating Blade Dinovaldo, Rook Dinovaldo, Heavy Snow Lord Lagombi, Whitegale Nargacuga, Black Flame King Rathalos, Azure Blaze Lord Rathalos, Violet Poison Princess Rathian, Rock Piercing Tetsucabra, Ruinous Hook Claw Tigrex, Treasure Clad Uragaan, One- Eyed Yian Garuga, Golden Thunder Prince Zinogre, Hypervolt Lagiacrus, Blazing Emperor Teostra, Blue Edge Berykyurosu, Blue Peak Espinas, Emerald Edge Akura Vashimu, Golden Edge Seregios, Red Drum Pariapuria, Smelted Kushala Daora, Bishop Tamamitsune, King Raizekusu, Knight Gamuto
Unknown: Phantom Akura Vashimu, Mysterious Phantom Beast 2, Mysterious Phantom Beast 3, Mysterious Phantom Beast 4, Mysterious Phantom Beast 5, Mysterious Phantom Beast 6, Mysterious Phantom Beast 7, Mysterious Phantom Beast 8, Mysterious Phantom Beast 9, Mysterious Phantom Beast 10, Mysterious Phantom Beast 11, Eye of the Forsaken
Event Monsters: {January Event}, {February Event}, {March Event}, {April Event}, {May Event}, {June Event}, {July Event}, {August Event}, {September Event}, Hukk, {November Event}, {December Event}
Monster Companion System[]
Certain monsters can be tamed and fought with or even as in multiplayer Guild Quests. I'll eventually show which monsters are able to be tamed, but here's a little bit about how you organize your companions.
- Go to the arena in Kurono Village
- Do to the door with what looks like a black and gold heart on the front.
- This interface will show up: Priority Companion - [Cuyudrome] -Change-
Priority Playable Companion - [Rogaia] -Change-
Here, you can see who you have priority to hunt alongside, and who you have priority to hunt as. You can change these by clicking Change. You will then see a full menu showing all of your pets. Press enter to select one.
Weapon Classes[]
There are 14 different weapon types available in MHA2.
Bow - Quick ranged weapons that can change into one of two charges, pierce and scatter. You can dip the arrow tips in various coatings to make the arrow effect different.
Bayonets - Bowguns that have triggers that when pushed will turn the gun into a single sword, transforming them into melee weapons.
Gemini Slicers - A fancy name for dual swords. Able to attack quickly and aren't too heavy, if that makes up for the weaker attack
Great Swords - Massive swords that are bigger than a grown man! Extreme damage output at a veeeeeeeeeeeery slow pace.
Gunlances - Lances with a barrel attached to the end. Full of gunpowder to hit a bit farther away.
Warhammers - Large hammers with large damage output at a medium pace, dealing Impact damage.
Hunting Rifles - Large bowguns that deal medium damage from range. Good for a person who wants to stay as far away as possible.
Hunting Instuments - Instruments that play notes so sweet, they fill you with determination! Does large damage at a medium-slow pace.
Insect Staffs - Long, sharp weapons what allow the hunter to spring into the air and strike down from above. Can shoot a pellet that send the insect on your arm to fetch monster essence.
Lances - Long weapons great for charging headfirst into any monster you choose. Can block while attacking and slowly advance on a monster with your shield protecting you.
Hunting Sidearms - Small bowguns that deal small damage, but at a quick pace. For those hit-and-run monster hunters.
Katanas - elongated swords used commonly in Yukomo village. Build up a charge that can unleash an inspirited combo. Medium pace, medium damage.
Switch Axe - an axe that with the flip of a switch turns into the mighty greatsword, but it gains some new combos, as well as losing some.
Broadswords - small blades and shields that are difficult to use due to their low attack. However, once mastered, broadswords can attack quickly and block attacks well.
Titanblade - Swords twice as large as great swords. Require tremendous strength to use. They are twice the every thing of greatswords, but half speed. Twice the sharpness, twice the attack, twice the affinity, twice the materials... twice the price.
Charge Axe - Axes that are created when a hunter requests a shield with a space to hold their sword. It then turns into a large axe. A mix between Broadsword and Switch Axe.
Character Classes[]
Kokotan - Have more experience using weapons. Weapon attack speed goes up and Mini Whetstones refill 2 levels of Sharpness. Deal 50 extra Fireblight alongside any weapon elements you already have. Deal 50 extra damage against Flying Wyverns, but 50 less against Leviathans. Have tan skin.
Pokkean - Immune to cold climate and recovers from snowman more quickly. All weapons also do 50 Iceblight along with whatever other element they use. Deal 50 extra damage against Fanged Beasts. but 50 less against Flying Wyverns. Have white skin.
Mogan - Swim faster than other hunters, and do 50 Waterblight damage alongside the element the weapon already has. Deal 50 extra damage against Leviathans, but 50 less against Lesser Dragons. Have peach colored skin.
Catharian - Immune to being Feathered, and stay in the air longer than other hunters when jumping. Deal 50 extra Dragonblight damage alongside whatever element the current weapon uses. Deal 50 extra damage against Elder Dragons, but 50 less against Fanged Wyverns. Have pale skin.
Ebony Forest - A forest that grows dark plants that require less sun to make food because of the constant dark skies, with no visible sun. During the night a mysterious spinning circle of wind covers the sky of the entire area.
Sandstorm Pass - A desert between Kurono village and Eko Harbor. It's dunes house various reptiles and insects, while the cool caves provide shelter for reptiles and birds that aren't adapted for the desert heat, and an oasis that allows some fish to survive. During the night, a large hole that leads to an unknown destination appears. It's unknown if something came out.
Great Lake - A normal sunny lake full of fish... the only place in the Eko Region for Leviathans to live. During the night, storms come through and drench the area, and a mysterious furry rock appears on the northeast coast.
Abandoned Castle - An old hunting base that was abandoned after an attack by a massive serpent. The exact name of the monster is unknown, but now while repairs are being done, if it is attacked, the only thing to do is call a hunter and evacuate. It is build near an active volcano.
Eko Mountain - A set of mysteriously floating islands near the Heaven's Mount. During the day, the temperature is about 67 degrees, but at night, it drops to 24. The snow melts during the day, but makes the mountain hard to hunt on during the night.
Skypierce Peak - A large peak made entirely out of ebony. It has many trees with pink leaves and lovely streams, similar to the Misty Peaks. During the night, the entire area mysteriously crystalizes. This peak is only hunted on when either a hunter proved elite asks to travel, or an extreme threat arises.
Molten Ledge - Home to lava streams running across the valley. It is also home to many rare orbs.
Lush Jungle - A large rainforest that is know to be very wet. Hunters have the ability to climb up the trees to gain the advantage.
Frozen Peaks: Its high up mountains and cold weather are sure to make any traveler bring hot drinks.
Eko Monument: A popular tourist destination, although your tour may be cut short by the Garuba Daora attacking, and these attacks have only been getting worse, and less spaced out.
Silver Mine: An abandoned mine that houses many crystalline and metallic monsters. There is said to be a strange, deep breathing sound behind a certain wall.
Magnet Plain: A plain of long, golden grass. It has large , wrench-shaped stone structures that attract metal. Occasionally, a large creature will be seen moving in the brush.
Blue Tower: A crumbling tower made up of blue-dyed clay bricks. Every night, on January 1, a beam of blue light will shoot into the sky, and a person suffering a terminal illness will be cured, showing no sign of ever being sick.
Soulless Cave: A cave said to be filled with the souls of innocent people and monsters killed by those with evil intent. When a person of good spirit enters, the cave seems to sing. When a person of evil intent enters, the cave sounds somewhat like it's wailing in pain. More often than not, many hunters report monsters were given a strange boost in energy when they were fought in this cave.
Blood Ocean: An ocean filled with a red algae colony. A few old Dire Miralis have adapted to feed on the algae while they live deep under the sea.
Shadow Cavern: A deep ravine filled with shadows that make a hunter question if movement was a monster or their imagination. Adventurers have set out to try to find the end of the cavern. One returned, but he died before he could say what he found.
Oil Seas: Due to a spill of Gogmazios oil that is supposedly even better than Emerald Congalala gas for fueling Dragonseers, this ocean is almost jet black, and extremely thick. You will swim much slower in it's waters, which is bad when you hunt a special event animal the Guild breeds and deposits in these seas every year.
Fallen Star: A large quartz lump in the middle of a volcanic rock field. It has many large quartz crystals expanding outwards from the central lump. Most crystalline monsters are fought here. A strange feeling of altered gravity is sensed in this region, and as such, any hunters can jump higher.
Melting Fields: A geyser island, somewhat larger than Solitude Island. Quakes are very frequent, as Raviente inhabit the island and it's depths.
Radiant Peak: A tall mountain summit with beautifully moonlit nights. Near the tip is a large platform that slopes off down to the bottom. Veremeledora is fought here.
Underground Trench: A trench hidden beneath the ground in Eko. Nobody knows where it starts and ends.
Elements and Status Effects[]
Fire: Slowly/quickly decreases life and red life bar.
Water: Makes stamina regens slightly/alot slower than usual.
Ice: Makes the players stamina run out slightly/alot quicker than before.
Thunder: Slightly/greatly increases the likely hood of being stunned.
Dragon: Slightly/completely removes your weapons elemental/status attacks.
Defense Down: Slightly/greatly decreases defense, and can even remove the defense buff.
Attack Down: Slightly/greatly decreases attack, and can even remove the attack buff.
Elemental Resistant Down: Slightly/greatly decreases elemental defense, and can even remove the EL Defense buff.
Elemental Attack Down: Slightly/greatly decreases elemental attack damage, and can even remove the EL Attack buff.
Stun: Makes the hunter vulnerable to attacks if not broken out of.
Sleep: You are sleepy, try not to fall asleep in combat.
Paralysis: So. Hard. To. Move.
Poison: Your health slowly decreases.
Bleeding: You slowly lose health when moving.
Venom: The deadliest form of poison
Toxin: A stronger version of Poison.
Muddy: You can't do anything really.
Snowman: You can't do anything really
Steamblight: Drains health with painful burns, and lowers stamina to only 50 because of smoke inhalation. Heal burns with Cool Drink and defog with Deodorant.
Crystalization: Slowly slows the hunter down by encasing them in crystal. Can be mined out of by a Pickaxe, giving 1 Crystal Shard.
Feathered: Slows down the hunter, but can be sprinted off.
Blindblight: Entire field of vison is darkened by 90%
Minor Panic: Causes the hunter to back away, sometimes falling backwards, for 10 seconds.
Major Panic: Causes the hunter to automatically run away if they get too close to a monster, and flinch randomly.
Sunblight: Causes skin to boil, damaging health and lowering attack. Cured by a Cool Drink.
Moonblight: Causes muscles to relax, which is nice, until your attack and defense lower massively. Cured by an Armor Seed, Power Seed, Armorskin, or Demondrug.
Lavablight: If using a shielded weapon, if you block, sharpness is instantly dropped one level. If you aren't using a blocking weapon, you have nine seconds until you faint from... well it's lava... it burns!
Pressurized: Forces extreme pressure at the hunter, slowly crushing them. Repeatedly tapping S on the keyboard or X on a controller will lower the pressure guage. If the guage becomes full, the hunter will faint.
Jadeblight: You just got covered in crystals. Your life regen stops and your attacks will become barely/ decently slower.
Acid: Burns armor, which lowers all elemental defenses.
Fatigue: Brings stamina down to the lowest point, and cannot be recovered until this status is gone.
Aurora: If overcome, a bright aura will shine around the monster, attracting other monsters to attack the monster. If not overcome, an aura will shine around the hunter, and attract other monsters as well as the main monster's attacks will become much more accurate. Exclusive to Vermeledora.
Kurono Village - A small village where you begin your adventure. You can go through Low rank all the way up to G here.
Eko Harbor - a popular trading port that trades monster materials from other regions. A man named West will take you to Kokoto Village, Pokke Villgae, Moga Village, or Cathar if you ask him. Another man named Christian will give you a tamed Maple Nargacuga as a gift once you reach G-Rank, or you can pay 100,000z to buy it if you're below G.
Bernico City - A small city whose population is growing quickly due to visitors from Sananthia City. You can find Christian again here, but he is with a group of friends who, if you complete quests they filed, will give you their pets. But you better get going. They are five difficult quests they give you!
Misc Stuff[]
- The Felyne chef, Blackley, is based off of my cat, Midnight.
- 13 of the new monsters are based off of friends and family.
- This idea came from a drawing of a multicolored Kushala Daora I drew in math class. Yeah, I'm not the best student ;)
- By pure luck, the Joshibatu, based off a friend named Josh, matched his favorite color preference perfectly.
- Christian and his friends Nicolas, Stephen, Devonn, Lucas, and Zach are based off of me and my friends, Nikolaj, Steven, Devon, Logan, and Jack.
The Team[]
T1GREXHUNTER - Game Creator, Sprite Creator, Equipment Designer,Sprite Animator, Area Designer
Masterlogan46 - Dedicated Tester
Paun- Sprite Creator
FunkyMonkey- Sprite Creator
AviarTheAssassin - Story and Ideas, Sprite Animator, Area Designer
Coming soon to PC (definitely)
End Notes[]
There is content from Monster Hunter Wyvern's Perch, and it is planned that via West you can go to the cities and free hunt in that game's areas, with it's monsters. I have Cbachura's permission to do so. Thank you for reading this page.
Development Journal[]
Made a cover for the game, and sketches of menus and perspective styles.
MHA2 Series Dinovaldo Icon
Created 'Spotted' theme